Set up Elasticsearch

Setting up Elasticsearch in SuiteCRM

If you are using SuiteCRM you must be loving it already. It’s open source, and I love open source. Not that I just love FREE stuff, but this gives a lot of opportunities for business with limited resource. Any way this post is about “setting up Elasticsearch in SuiteCRM”.

First thing that I would advice do not follow the SuiteCRM documentation on this particular topic. As if you have noticed this is giving you no information as of I am writing this post.


I am using SuiteCRM for one business with an EC2 on AWS . Itt’s ubuntu 22.x with SuiteCRM 8.0 as of now. The basic search is good for beginners but when you need more features and options you should go for elasticsearch. It’s again open source, so you will not have to pay for any license cost.


Step 1 : Install Java if not already installed. If already installed then skip to Step 2

$sudo apt-get update 
$sudo apt-get install -y default-jdk 

Step 2: Installing Elasticsearch

Import GPG Key to APT

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg

Add the repository to APT

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg

Update packages

sudo apt-get update 

Install Elasticsearch

sudo apt install elasticsearch

Step 3: Configure

Will do a basic search here to start with and you can update the config to match your needs. The below will create a yml configuration file

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml 

Search for the below line and uncomment it, if not already done localhost

Also search for and change it to false for now. Unless you already know how to configure authentication and created a user for this.

Save this file for now and exit.

Enable the server to start at bootup

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch 

Start the server

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch 

Check if the server is running

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/" 

If this will return some error about empty response dont worry, that could be due to the server setup is using SSL and your elasticsearch is not configured for that.

SuiteCRM search setup

Now that you have a Elasticsearch server running setup the below steps in SuiteCRM admin console.

SuiteCRM admin page

SuiteCRM elasticsearch page

Now go back to the setup page again and enter the “Elasticsearch” menu:

 "Elasticsearch" menu

Click on TestConnection and it should show success message

Success message for Setting up Elasticsearch in SuiteCRM

Now schedule the Index

Schedule the elasticsearch index from the Scheduler manu.

Add your frequency and create a job


I love to play with open source systems. This is one more addition to the systems I have worked with. Loved it so far. Let’s stay connected if possible . Untill next post , keep reading and sharing..

efernece :


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