Category: Technology

  • Getresponse integration with Salesforce

    GetResponse offers an online platform for email marketing software, landing page creator, webinars hosting and much more. Integrating this tool with salesforce (world’s #1 cloud CRM) has a huge benefit for any size of business. No matter you are a small business or large, you will need marketing to grow your business. So, with out further…



    Both HubSpot and MailChimp can be used for sending mass marketing emails. Beyond basic email functionality like drag-and-drop templates, responsive designs, and in-text editors, both HubSpot and MailChimp can be equipped with more complex tools. So, here we are with this post on “hubsot vs mailchimp” MailChimp Mail chimp is the ‘stock-standard’ email application that…

  • Visual Studio Code with salesforce

    Visual Studio Code with salesforce

    A new code editor by Microsoft: Visual Studio Code. Will see how we can use it with Salesforce : Visual Studio Code with salesforce. There are tons of code editors out there, which can be used for Salesforce coding. They support various features and keep on improving from time to time. But which one you…

  • Setting up your Raspberry Pi 3

    Setting up your Raspberry Pi 3

    Recently got hold of a Raspberry PI 3 (If you do not know it already, this is a credit card sized computer, which can run almost all computing things we do on our laptop/desktops). It’s just about CAD $30. But powerful enough for all kinds of research work and POC. So once you have the…

  • automation using ifttt in salesforce

    automation using ifttt in salesforce

    This post is about automation using ifttt in salesforce. Yes not using workflow. It’s more than that. I keep playing around with technologies and got to work on IFTTT about 5 years back. It was a growing kit and we did not have anything directly connecting salesforce with this platform. Recently I was looking at…

  • Introduction to Webhooks

    Introduction to Webhooks

    Today’s post is Introduction to Webhooks. What they are and where you can use them.  They are not new, been there for a while. The usage is increasing day by day. Introduction The simplest definition, I can give you is : Webhooks are HTTP callbacks. Really… that’s it ???? Yes it’s that simple. If you…

  • How to test slow network speed in Chrome ?

    No, this post is not just about salesforce 🙂 , it’s about “How to test slow network speed in Chrome ?” Have you been into situations when you wanted to test your web application in a slow network ? Here is a quick trick to test webapps in slow network connections. I know may are…

  • Jitterbit Data loader for salesforce

    Today, I am going to talk about  Jitterbit Data loader for salesforce , an data integration process for Salesforce . This article is specifically for salesforce and jitterbit. But the Jitterbit tool has other versions where we can do a lot and integrate with almost all types of databases available in market. This tool is…

  • Salesforce : Welkin Suite IDE for Salesforce devs

    Salesforce : Welkin Suite IDE for Salesforce devs

    This article is about an IDE : Welkin Suite IDE for Salesforce developers. As a salesforce developer you might have tried various IDE or development methods, such as : IDE which is a Salesforce IDE pre-built with Eclipse Eclipse + plugin Notepad ++ (Any other text code  editor 🙂 mostly I use these for…

  • Various ways of authentication in REST API

    Various ways of authentication in REST API

    This is not an April fool article by the way. .. 😀 it’s really about “various ways of authentication in REST API”. Most of the software developers in their entire career go through a phase, when they have to use or interact with another piece of software or system. And this is when we start learning…