Why I don’t like Salesforce Lightning

This is an Anti Salesforce post: Why I don’t like Salesforce Lightning. But I am not a fan of a single technology to be honest. No technology is full proof and stable. If that was the case, then there would be only one technology and not so many. Every now and then we get to know something new came up as existing things get obsolete. This post is about why I don’t like salesforce lightning. It’s my personal opinion and may differ from yours. Please share your thoughts in the comment below.

What is lightning ?

Few years back Salesforce had a basic UI. Which was little out dated but was working great. The page loading speed was also great. Then comes the Lightning Experience. The UI overhaul, that changed the way you look at the Salesforce screen. Salesforce invested heavily on this UI development and marketing. And whether you are ready or not, Salesforce is pushing hard to use this UI. Also, would like to mention, that Salesforce is not ready as well. You would notice, so many wired errors sometimes when using Lightning UI. Once you refresh the page the error goes away. It’s my personal view that the platform is not yet there and needs a lot of work.

The base of Lightning is Aura framework, which is majorly JavaScript.  The Lightning Design System, is good looking but again it depends highly on JavaScript. I am not saying JavaScript is bad, but not using it appropriately can cause issues.


1. Good Looking
2. Futuristic and standard looking design system
3. Components’ can be created once and used many times


1. Too slow at times (The standard Lightning UI, not the components we build from time to time)
2. Wired errors without much information about the cause

Conclusion :

The end result is, some how we like it. But there is a lot of room for improvements in there. And most importantly the performance of the components needs to be improved.
It was a shot article after a long time. Will keep coming with some more sooner.

Keep reading and sharing…


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