Spring 17 release in Salesforce

Spring 17 release in Salesforce

Wishing you all a very happy new year 2017! Spring 17 release is around the corner and always there will be tones of new features or some enhancements to the existing features in Spring 17 release in Salesforce. Sometime the list is too big to be implemented by one person. And I am sure most of us would be looking at the features that we would like to use or implement. Some of the features are cool but might not be used by everyone. So, I have some favorites features, which I would like to use in future. It’s ONLY my personal choice and you might have different prospective on this. Without further delay, let’s start about the features.

Spring 17 release in Salesforce

Salesforce Overall:

1. Feel Confident About Your Lightning Experience Readiness: You can now check if your customization is ready for the Lightning Experience.
2. Console Apps: Now in Lightning Experience: I personally liked this one very much. A long waiting feature enabled in LEX (Lightning Experience). The Console app is now available for Sales Cloud and Service Cloud users.

Lightning Experience:

1. Sales Cloud Einstein: A Smarter Sales Process at Every Step Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI): Unfortunately, this is available for an extra costin: Enterprise and Unlimited Editions. NO DEVELOPER edition support for our play ground.
2. Salesforce Connect: Now you can perform DML on Salesforce connected Orgs. You can create quick actions for External objects.
3. External Services (Beta): Use External Services to connect your Salesforce org to a service of your choice. Invoke methods based on the external source via a flow. Import data from the service into Salesforce. You can do all this with the help of an easy-to-use wizard. This feature is new in Lightning Experience.


1. If you do develop or convert your new/existing Visualforce pages to Salesforce Lightning Design System(SLDS) you know that you had to upload a static resource and call it in your page. Well, now you can use the element to incorporate the Lightning Design System in your Visualforce pages and align them with the styling of Lightning Experience. This component is a streamlined alternative to uploading the Lightning Design System as a staticresource and using it in your Visualforce pages.
2. Reference Lightning Design System Assets with the $Asset Global Variable: Use the $Asset global variable to access images, sprites, and other assets that are part of the Lightning Design System. Use it in Visualforce pages that also use the component. Use $Asset instead of $Resource. The variable takes dot notation and SLDS. For example, this markup references a JPG avatar in the Lightning Design System.

<span class=”slds-icon_container slds-icon–small slds-icon-standard-account” title=”Contact Avatar”>
<img src=”{!URLFOR($Asset.SLDS, ‘assets/images/avatar1.jpg’)}” alt=”Contact Avatar” />

3. Lightning API—Developer Preview: Use Lightning API to create native mobile apps and custom web apps with your own branding and look and feel. A single REST request returns enough metadata, layout information, and data to display, edit, or create a record! Lightning API supports most objects that are available in Lightning Experience.
4. Apex Stub API Is Now Generally Available:
Apex provides a stub API for implementing a mocking framework. A mocking framework has many benefits. It can streamline and
improve testing and help you create faster, more reliable tests. You can use it to test classes in isolation, which is important for unit
testing. Building your mocking framework with the stub API can also be beneficial because stub objects are generated at runtime.
Because these objects are generated dynamically, you don’t have to package and deploy test classes. You can use the stub API to build
your own mocking framework, or you can use one built by someone else.
You can define the behavior of stub objects, which are created at runtime as anonymous subclasses of Apex classes. The stub API
comprises the System.StubProvider interface and the System.Test.createStub() method.
To use a stub version of an Apex class:
1. Define the behavior of the stub class by implementing the System.StubProvider interface.
2. Instantiate a stub object by using the System.Test.createStub() method.
3. Invoke the relevant method of the stub object from within a test class.
This GA version resolves the following limitations that were present in the pilot version of the stub API.
• When calling the createStub() method in the pilot version, your Apex class was required to have a constructor that took zero
arguments. This limitation is no longer present in the GA version.
• You can now mock exceptions.
• You can now mock classes that implement the Schedulable and Queueable interfaces.

5. Only One Test Setup Method per Class is Allowed:
You can now have only one test setup method per Apex test class. A test setup method is a method annotated with @testSetup.
In previous versions, multiple test setup methods were allowed due to a bug, which has now been fixed. If you run Apex test classes
that have more than one test setup method, you get a compile-time exception. Update your code and rerun the tests.
6. Maps of Populated SObject Fields Return Correct Values
The SObject.getPopulatedFieldsAsMap() method returns a map of populated field names and their corresponding
values. The map contains only the fields that have been populated in memory for the SObject instance. Previously, the method didn’t
return fields that were added to an SObject after it had been retrieved via a SOQL query. This bug has been fixed, and the method returns
the correct fields.
7. Make Several Requests at Once with the Composite Resource: Now Generally Available
Imagine you’re writing a mobile app. To cut down on the number of round trips between your client and Salesforce, you want to make
several REST API requests in a single call. You consider the Batch resource, but Batch doesn’t let you pass information between subrequests.
Are you out of luck? Not anymore! The Composite resource lets you make several requests in a single call and provides a way to reference
the results of one subrequest in later subrequests.
Composite is supported for the following resources.
• All sObject resources (vXX.X/sobjects/)
• The Query resource (vXX.X/query/?q=soql)
• The QueryAll resource (vXX.X/queryAll/?q=soql)
You can have up to 25 subrequests in a single call. Up to 10 of these subrequests can be query operations, including Query, QueryAll,
and “Query More” requests to obtain the next batch of query results.


These were my personal choices. Would love to hear yours if you can share them. Any specific topic interested you and you want to know more please let me know and I will have a detailed post about that.

Thank you all for following this blog for about an year now. Hope to get you more stuffs in future.

Also, please feel free if you want to contribute to this blog.

Keep reading and sharing ….sharing will make you learn 🙂

Once again a very happy new year and wish you all a great year ahead..!

newyear getthekt
newyear getthekt


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