passing parameters to salesforce reports

Pass parameters to a salesforce report

While creating a report of working on a project, you might have received a request to use this report as a dynamic report. That means, users will pass the filter conditions some time. You may have this question in mind at that time “how to pass parameters to a salesforce report”. I just go this question from one of the community developer. So, thought it would help someone else who might have the same query some day.

Steps to pass parameters to a salesforce report:

1. Create a report as per your requirement. Here to show you, I will use standard sample report “Opportunity Amount by Stage”. Open this report
2. Copy the URL Of the report window and past it in a notepad, you will find something similar to “”
3. Now the trick is to identify and use the filter conditions and values to be used to render the report

Here are the parameters you can use to get a dynamic report:

  • pc0: Corresponds to the field in the report criteria.
  • pn0: Corresponds to the operator in the report criteria.
    • eq = equals
    • ne = not equals
    • lt = less than
    • le = less than or equals
    • gt = greater than
    • ge = greater than or equals
    • co = contains
    • nc = does not contain
    • sw = starts with
    • in = includes
  • pv0: Corresponds to the value in the report criteria.

So now we can modify the above url we got to the below one:<FIELD NAME TO BE FILTERED ON>&pn0=<OPERATOR>&pv0=<VALUE>


Here are the images before the parameters and after parameters:






There is a point and click way  to get the report as well. Queries or comments are more than welcome. Keep reading and sharing as always…..


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