While creating a report of working on a project, you might have received a request to use this report as a dynamic report. That means, users will pass the filter conditions some time. You may have this question in mind at that time “how to pass parameters to a salesforce report”. I just go this question from one of the community developer. So, thought it would help someone else who might have the same query some day.
Steps to pass parameters to a salesforce report:
1. Create a report as per your requirement. Here to show you, I will use standard sample report “Opportunity Amount by Stage”. Open this report
2. Copy the URL Of the report window and past it in a notepad, you will find something similar to “https://na35.salesforce.com/00O41000001bIkh”
3. Now the trick is to identify and use the filter conditions and values to be used to render the report
Here are the parameters you can use to get a dynamic report:
- pc0: Corresponds to the field in the report criteria.
- pn0: Corresponds to the operator in the report criteria.
- eq = equals
- ne = not equals
- lt = less than
- le = less than or equals
- gt = greater than
- ge = greater than or equals
- co = contains
- nc = does not contain
- sw = starts with
- in = includes
- pv0: Corresponds to the value in the report criteria.
So now we can modify the above url we got to the below one:
https://na35.salesforce.com/00O41000001bIkh?pc0=<FIELD NAME TO BE FILTERED ON>&pn0=<OPERATOR>&pv0=<VALUE>
Here are the images before the parameters and after parameters:
There is a point and click way to get the report as well. Queries or comments are more than welcome. Keep reading and sharing as always…..
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